Neue Kälte-Klima-Begriffsdefinitionen nach IIR und ASHRAE (8. Februar 2019)

Zwischen dem International Institute of Refrigeration (IIR) und der American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) gab es hinsichtlich der Definitionen von fünf Kälte-Klima-Termini offenbar Differenzen. Am 8. Februar wurden neue gemeinsame Definitionen verabschiedet, die hier absichtlich im Originalwortlaut wiedergegeben werden, da Übersetzungen oftmals nicht 100 % korrekt sind:

1. Cooling:

    (1) Removal of heat, usually resulting in a lower temperature and/or phase change.
    (2) Lowering temperature.

2. Refrigeration:

    (1) Cooling of a space, substance or system to lower and/or maintain its temperature below the ambient one (removed heat is rejected at a higher temperature).
    (2) Artificial cooling

3. Chilling:

    Cooling of a substance without freezing it.

4. Freezing:

    Solidification phase change of a liquid or the liquid content of a substance, usually due to cooling.

5. Cold Chain:

    Series of actions and equipment applied to maintain a product within a specified low-temperature range from harvest/production to consumption.


Artikelnummer: cci76514

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